Natural fertilizers for Organic Agriculture in accordance with 834/2007 (CE) standards
*Authorized in the CE for Organic Agriculture*
To fertilize 1Ha, from 1 to 4 140cc bottles are used.
Natural seaweeds extract (Ascophyllum nodosum) cultivated in a ecological environment
A company awarded:
One for TECHNOLOGY and the Other one for QUALITY,
and the Commercial Prestige Trophy.
Production Record with
10.500 Kgs. of wheat per Ha. |
6.500 Kgs. of oat per Ha. |
11.500 Kgs. of barley per Ha. |
53.000 Kgs. of avocado per Ha. |
415 Kgs. of olives per olive tree + 7% fats - 1'5 acidez
80.000 Kgs. of potato per Ha. + 46 % of Vitamin A
215.000 Kgs. of tomato per Ha. with 11% Brix
22.000 Kgs. of maize per Ha. + 1,55 mg/Kg. of Tryptophan and 10 mg/Kg. of Vitamin E.
14.500 Kgs. of rice per Ha. with 2,1 mg/kg of Vitamin A + 400 % of Vitamin E + 4 % of protein
14.000 Kgs. wine grape in dry farming with 14º + 17'5% Resveratrol
60.000 Kgs. of Clauselline per Ha.
80.000 Kgs. of orange Marisol per Ha. (56% extra, 42% 1.ª)
145 Kgs. of mandarine Clementine per tree, 90% 1ª A
Ekologik is a fertilizer which is scientifically programmed; this system makes that yields in crops of cereals, fruits, vegetables, etc... are much higher, and it also has other qualities and effects. In order to fertilizers have the maximum effectiveness, their nutrients must be well balanced. After long years of researching, Bioaga has been able to join, line up, arrange and balance these nutrients: Nitrogen, phosphorous, potasium, calcium, microelements, etc., by a completely natural proccess, it has reached a longer lasting, more production in crops, more vitamins A and C, an improvement of the organic materials and microorganisms on the soil, and the soil has become more productive.
There's much more in plants than meets the eye!
Like all other living beings, plants can only act according to their genetic potential. However, the genetic potential of our cultivated plants is much more complex than their real yield. The production potencial of our types of cereal, for example, is above 10 t per h. Nevertheless, in practice, the production average only reaches values between 3 and 6 t per h. This is due to the fact that plants do not have, in the best shape or amount, all the decisive factors to form yield and quality, such as location, soil, weather, nutrition.
One of the most important conditions for a high explotation of genetic potential is a good nutrition of the plant. It's very important to have, besides the main nutrients, many trace elements and some vegetable hormones or their previous forms. However, it is absolutely necessary for them to be in a form which can be easily absorbed by the plants.
Seaweeds are extremely rich in trace elements, vegetable hormones and other important compounds. That is why they're perfect to obtain a NATURAL, environmentally and friendly fertilizer, with trace elements and no nitrates. Especially, the seaweeds give rise to greater productions and improve the quality of cultivated plants and fruit. A new extraction procedure has achieved to obtain and stabilising the unstable but very important components in brown seaweed. The result is the product EKOLOGIK.
EKOLOGIK contains: total Nitrogen 168 mg/l.; Phosphorus 2 mg/l.; Potasium 86 mg/l.; Sulphur 29 mg/l.; Magnesium 0'11 mg/l.; Copper <0'01 mg/l.; Iron 0'02 mg/l.; Manganese <0'01 mg/l.; Zinc 0'11 mg/l.
The most important substances in seaweeds extract are:
Natural Nitrogen, phosphorous and Potasium in optimum nutritional balance. They're 100% asimilable by the seed, root, leaves or trunk.
Trace elements
Boron, copper, iron, iodine, magnesium, manganese, molybdenum, sulphur, zinc, sodium, silicium (sicilic acid), etc, are the most important.
Mannite, methylpentose, laminaire, other sugars.
Previous forms of vegetable hormones
Auxins (encourage growth, cell division and transport of nutrients), gibberellins (stimulate growth and flowering), cytoquinines (regulate, along with auxins and gibberellings, all metabolic processes. They are also very important in the formation of proteins).
Amino acids
18 different amino acids are contained, the most important of which are: theorine, valine, methionine, isoleucine, tryptophan, leucine, phenolanoline, lysine and histidine.
Provitamin A, vitamins B1, B2, B12, C, D, E, pantothenic acid, nicacin, folic acid, folinic acid.
Their vegetable origin and their balanced composition mean that the nutrients and active substances of EKOLOGIK are easily absorbed through leaves, roots and seeds and they are transported by the sap to the areas where they are needed. A higher pH value of the leaf's surface is got and the plant becomes richer in components. These factors also help vitality of the plants treated.
EKOLOGIK is a pure seaweeds extract with no additives.
EKOLOGIK's range of action
The way of working of this natural nutrient for cultivated plants is the same as with traditional fertilisers. Since several decades ago, scientists from all over the world have been working on the use of vegetal extracts as fertilizers for plants. The results of the investigations are that the most efficient are seaweeds. The extract obtained from seaweeds had surprising effects on cultivated plants.
The growing strength observed after applying EKOLOGIK is based on its nutrients and microelements which, in turn, make the plant to produce its own amino acids.
EKOLOGIK also controls nutrients absorption, vegetable growth, flowering and fruitbearing as well as ripening.
Geomex (North America), Cortabarría (Venezuela), Fredy (Perú), Rojas (Brasil), Durán (Bolivia), Sweet (Central America), Gramas (Uruguay), Kunene (Swaziland), Macky (Central America).
Compensation for the lack of trace elements
All the trace elements in the EKOLOGIK can compensate fastly the obvious lack of them in plants.
T. Higgnett (USA), Arenas (North America), Reyes (North America), Ruelas (North America), Gutierrez (North America), Roquer (Panamá).
Better explotation of soil nutrients
By increasing metabolic activity an extensive and very efficient system of roots is formed, allowing the plant to absorb and process a larger number of nutrients.
This can mean: the same yield with less amount of fertiliser.
Melendez (North America), Valencia (North America), Jönson (Sweden).
By applying Ekologik, greater sugar content, for instance, in sugar beet (Ehrke (Germany)), harder cauliflower heads (Díaz (Chile)), and harder tomatoes (Gil (Colombia), Henry (France)) were achieved. In apples, apart from a higher content of fruit and sugar acids, was noted a better storage capacity (Santos (Brazil), Orellana (Chile), Gimeno (Spain), Vargas (Colombia), Ramana (India)).
More frost resistance
Investigations carried out by Reitter (Denmark) showed that plants treated with Ekologik resist frost better.
Improvement in germination and root formation
Germination of seeds is accelerated and the degree of germination is increased even in old, degenerated seeds. Root formation from stick is clearly encouraged (Simonetti (Argentina), Garcés (Ecuador)). Scientists attribute this to the fact that the seaweeds extract contains vegetable hormones or their previous forms (Klemm (Germany), Michelsen (Germany), Bruini (Italy), Henry (France), Beirut American University).
Less mycosis and parasites
Ekologik has an indirect protective effect against fungus, insect and mites. The pronounced immune system of plants increases their natural defence. In this way the multiplication of parasites is checked (Eisse (Germany), Urban (Malaysia), Kirk van Leuven (North America), Holle (Germany), Dally (Libano), Kuala Lumpur Pertanian University, Thomajarvi (Finland), Rosato (Canada)).
Important indications
- Store away from direct sunlight.
- Spraying can take place before or during raining, since plants can absorb EKOLOGIK through leaves and roots.
EKOLOGIK can be mixed with any plant health product.
The liquid preparation for spraying may be applied inmediately or after several days.
In case of combined applications, the same amount of water as used for other substances.
The effect of natural herbicides can be increased by using EKOLOGIK at the same time.
The most convenient times for applying EKOLOGIK
- Fruits, Vegetables, Citrics, Maize, Etc.: Two bottles at sowing or planting and other two bottles at mid-cultivation.
- Tomato, Cucumber: Two bottles of EKOLOGIK per Ha. at starting, onto soil or leaves. Later, when several clusters are set, 5 ml. of EKOLOGIK in 15 litres water every 20-25 days, via foliar.
- Cereals, Rice, Vineyard, Almond, Olive, Hazelnut, Nut, etc: Two bottles: one at sowing and the other one at mid cultivation.
EKOLOGIK can be applied onto leaves, soil or seeds, because all kinds of EKOLOGIK are absorbed by leaves and also by the roots or the seeds.
EKOLOGIK can be applied together with any treatment of cooper, sulfur, etc, because all the EKOLOGIK can be mixed with everything by using the same quantity of water.
In small parcels, one cap of the bottle in a 15-20 litres backpack spray. However, water is optional because, by aircraft, 1 Ha. can be done with 5 litres water. When applied onto soil, from 50 to 200 litres water are usually used depending on the kind of the sprayer.
If it's applied foliar on trees, water would be from 1.000 to 1.500 litres.
- Trees: fruits, forests, olive, coffee, cocoa, almond, nut, mango, avocado, etc...: it can ce applied onto soil, leaves or sprayed on the trunk or also injected in one of the trunks of the tree. Onto soil, the most used system is a syringe (without a needle) like the one of injecting animals and apply 1,4 cc. of EKOLOGIK per tree, by injecting it onto soil at 1 metre or 1 metre and a half far the trunk.
- Intensive Olive: two bottles of EKOLOGIK in winter and other two bottles at half-fattening.